The joint data analysis of WFC and GRBM is possible thanks to the availability
of PHA spectra and response matrices of the two experiments in the same
formats. For WFC data analysis we used the public response functions and Crab
Nebula spectra available at
The WFC instrument consists of two coded aperture cameras, each with a field
of view of 40 full width at zero response and
an angular resolution of 5 arcmin.
WFCs have an energy resolution
20% at 6 keV, were operated in
normal mode with 31 channels in 1.5-26 keV and 0.5 ms time resolution
([Jager et al. 1997]).
The on-axis effective area of WFCs No. 1 and 2 averaged in the 2-26 keV
energy band is 118 cm2.
The fits to the WFC Crab Nebula on-axis spectra are consistent with the canonical photon index, normalization and column density.
As it has been done for the BeppoSAX NFI ([Cusumano et al. 1998]),
an intercalibration between WFC1/WFC2 and the GRBM detectors LS1 and LS3
can be performed by means of simultaneous Crab nebula measurements.
We attempted both fits with a single power-law and fits with a broken power-law. The single power-law fits give a photon index of 2.050.08 for WFC1/LS1
and 2.07
0.1 for WFC2/LS3.
If we untie the normalizations of the two data sets we obtain very close values, consistent between 1 sigma.
This means that no normalization correction factor has to be introduced when simultaneously fitting data of the two instruments.
As expected, the best fit of the WFC + GRBM Crab Nebula spectrum is a broken power-law. For WFC1/LS1 the break energy is 6629 keV, the low energy photon index
is 2.06
0.07 and the high energy photon index is 2.18
0.6. Similar values are obtained for LS3. These values are fully consistent with those found by other experiments in similar energy bands (see above).
The results on the Crab nebula spectrum (4.12.2 show that the inter-calibration of the two detectors is very good, both for LS1/WFC1 and LS3/WFC2.