The Burst and Transient Sources Experiment (BATSE, [Fishman et al. 1994]) on-board the NASA Compton Gamma-Ray Observatory (CGRO) is the main in-flight GRB experiment since early nineties. It has detected and classified more than 2200 events.
It consists of eight detector modules made of 58.5 diameter by 1.27 cm thick NaI scintillator, sensitive to gamma-rays from 25 to
1000 keV. The geometry of the experiment allow for burst direction reconstruction with an accuracy down to few degrees.
The BATSE GRB data are made public on the web, at; the on-line basic catalogues contain informations on trigger times, durations, photon peak fluxes in the 50-300 keV, fluences in the 25-50, 50-100, 100-300 and >300 keV energy bands.