Next: Ratemeters data
Up: GRBM on-ground calibrations
Previous: Monitoring of spurious contributions
All the GRBM data collected in the ESTEC calibration campaign were stored on-board and
acquired with standard telemetry. Thus, the data products are in the standard
telemetry formats and can be reduced with the softwares
described in section 1.1.3. The preliminary analysis reported in this section
was performed with specific programs developed with IDL package ver. 5.0.
The ESTEC calibrations database consists of the following sets of data:
angular light curves with
9 arcmin resolution (from the combination of the ratemeters 1 s time resolution and the satellite angular speed) in the GRBM and AC bands
and 240 channels energy spectra averaged on
angles of
(from the combination
of the PHA spectra 128 s time resolution and the satellite angular speed)
for each of the
energy and elevation angles reported in Tab. 2.2, and for the background measurements
- counts/s and energy spectra for relevant fixed values of energy,
; - calibration sources spectra in the ESTEC calibration environment taken with a NaI detector in place of the satellite;
- calibration sources spectra taken at ENEA laboratories in Frascati with
a Germanium detector.
The first set of data is the main base for detectors responses first order reconstruction, and the other sets, together with Monte Carlo simulations outputs,
are used for spurious effects estimation and subtraction.
Next: Ratemeters data
Up: GRBM on-ground calibrations
Previous: Monitoring of spurious contributions
Lorenzo Amati