Spectral evolution study can give more constraints to theoretical models. Models of GRBs and afterglow emissions are mainly based on mechanisms of dissipation of the kinetic energy of a relativistic expanding fireball ([Mészáros and Rees 1997,Wijers et al. 1997,Vietri et al. 1997]). The origin of the fireball - either merging of neutron stars (NS/NS), neutron star/black holes (NS/BH) ([Narayan, Paczynski and Piran 1992]), Helium Star/Black Hole (He/BH) ([Fryer and Woosley 1998]) or the collapse of a massive star (hypernova) ([Paczynski 1998]), or a type I supernova explosion ([Wang and Wheeler 1998]), or the adiabatic implosion of a supra-massive NS (supra-nova) ([Vietri and Stella 1998]) - is still unclear at this stage. In spite of that, the spectral properties of both GRBs and afterglows seem to be consistent with a shock synchrotron model ([Tavani 1996]), while Inverse Compton emission is expected in the early times ([Waxman 1997]). Many questions are still open, like those related to the 'engine' of the main event and its radiation production process (e.g., internal shocks, Kobayashi et al. 1997 , the evolution of the spectral properties during GRB, the rise time of the afterglow and its relation with the GRB emission ([Sari 1997]), the radiation emission process of the afterglow (e.g., radiative shock vs. adiabatic shock, [Sari, Piran and Narayan 1998]). All these issues require observations to constrain models.
The time profile in two energy bands (1.5-26 keV and 40-700 keV) of the
GRBs investigated is shown in figures 5.14,5.15,5.16. In some cases the X-ray emission is
observed to lead the rise of the GRB (e.g., GRB970111), while in other cases
(e.g., GRB970508) it is the -ray emission to lead the event.
Time duration and shape of the GRB time profiles change from one GRB
to the other, even if some similarity is observed between GRB980329 and
Each time profile was divided into a given number of temporal sections (see Fig. 5.14,5.15,5.16), and a spectral analysis in the 1.5-700 keV energy band was performed on the average spectrum of each section. The duration of the sections was chosen short during the rise of the burst and and then longer, also taking into account the statistical quality of the data. A simultaneous fit to the time averaged WFC and GRBM spectra was performed, by using as input model the Band form.
The fits were performed by fixing the NH columns to the galactic values
in the directions of the GRB.
The derived best fit parameters (
photon indices and
, peak energy Ep
of the logarithmic
power per photon energy decade (the
) spectrum) are
shown in Tab. 5.2 , for each of the temporal sections. The value of
Ep is given by E
, under the condition that
. The lower limits in passband, reported in Tab. 5.2,
were obtained
in the cases in which the
) spectrum showed a bending, with the
value of
. The lower limit was obtained by deriving the
value of E0 that corresponds to a reduced
for a number
of degrees of freedom (dof)
in the fit to the data, with
frozen to the value obtained from
the best fit and
assumed slightly lower than -2 (-2.1).
The reduced
values obtained from the best fits were always acceptable
(less than 1.1 for 20 dof).
Notice that
is mainly determined by the
WFC X-ray spectral data, while
by the GRBM data
-ray band).
We see how GRB spectrum evolves with energy and with time is apparent.
The spectra are generally harder at lower energies
or they exhibit the same slope at high and low energies. We do not find
bursts with low energy excesses with respect to the Band law (see eq. 1) as
found by other authors ([Preece et al. 1996,Strohmayer et al. 1998]) and only in one case
(970111) we find a photon index significantly larger than -2/3
. Other authors find larger
fractions of GRB with this feature ([Preece et al. 1998,Strohmayer et al. 1998]).
The spectra become generally softer during the tail of the GRB. A remarkable
exception is observed
in the spectrum of GRB970228 ([Frontera et al. 1998a]) discussed below.
In figures 5.17,5.18,5.19, we show the F(
) spectrum in each of the temporal
sections in which we subdivided the time profile (
the photon energy in keV and F
is the specific energy flux in
keV cm-2 s-1 keV-1) for GRB960720, GRB970111 and GRB970228, some of the most interesting events from the point of view of spectral evolution.