The measured response of LS1 and LS3 with azimuth, elevation and energy of the incident radiation beam was fitted with analytical functions in order to simplify the estimate of the incident fluxes from celestial sources. These functions are also used to compare results of the MC code developed for the GRBM with the calibration tests results. As we discussed in the previous section, the ESTEC calibrations angular light curves of LS1 and LS3 are pretty close to an absorbed (i.e. multiplied by an exponential photon extinction function) cosine. Thus we used an analytical function, based on physical, geometrical and partly empirical considerations, to fit LS1 and LS3 response curves. We described the response function of LS1 and LS3 as the sum of three components:
Thus, the total count is given by:
The only deviation of the angular response of LS3 from the above function is a
slight change in the slope of the curve at an azimuth angle of about
. The value of this ``critical'' angle varies of some degrees at the
different energies. To reproduce this feature we introduced a change of the
optical depth at
, thus adding one free parameter to the basic
The angular response of LS1 is well fit at low energies (60 keV and 122 keV) by
the basic function. At higher energies we have a double change in the slope at
about (as for LS1) and
. Thus, we introduced two changes
in the optical depth at the critical angles to describe these features. We also
applied other minor elevation dependent corrections to the basic form to
better describe small features present in negative elevation angles response
curves of both LS1 and LS3.
We found good fits () values lower than 1.2 for 139 d.o.f) of these functions to the data for azimuthal angles between
and +75
and elevation angles between -30
. Outside these intervals, the angular response curves show features
which will be probably better described by MC simulations. Fits
results for LS3 at
are reported in figures from 3.7 to
3.13, where the analytical
function is superimposed to the measured data and also fit residuals are plotted.
To estimate in-flight efficiencies we neglect the NB component that, as discussed above, is mainly due to back-scattering photons from the room walls. Thus, the function describing the in-flight angle-energy dependency of shield efficiency has the form: