We obtained 3 240-channel energy spectra for this event of initial and final times with respect to the trigger time as follows: -60-67 s (interval A), 68-195 s (interval B) and 196-323 s (interval C). We fitted to the three spectra the phenomenologically established spectral law for SGRs: an optically thin thermal bremsstrahlung (OTTB). A 10% systematic error has been added to the statistical error in order to take into account the calibration uncertainties at the large off-axis location of the event.
The time integrated spectrum in interval A cannot be fitted
with a simple OTTB law, showing
an excess at high energies (also reported for the March 5th event.
This is likely due to the strong spectral evolution as it appears
from the 1-s ratemeters (see below).
In fact, from the ratemeter data we note that during the first
seconds the emitted spectrum is very hard and it becomes much
softer soon after the peak.
Assuming different spectral components for these two fractions
of interval A, we fitted the energy spectrum with the
sum of an OTTB and of a single power law (PL, .The best fit parameters are kT=
keV and photon index
=0.705 with 186 d.o.f.).
We note, however, that the spectrum can equally be fit with the sum
of a PL and a blackbody (BB). In this case the photon index is
, the BB temperature is kT=
and reduced
We have also tried to fit the spectrum two OTTB laws,
two power laws and a broken power law (that usually fits time-averaged
spectra of classical gamma-ray bursts) but the fits are unacceptable.
In interval B from the ratemeter data we do not deduce
strong spectral variation, therefore we first used a simple OTTB law.
the best fit to the spectrum for interval B has a kT= keV
and the reduced
is 1.996 (75 d.o.f.). We note the
existence of a hard excess, that is likely biasing upward
the determination of the effective temperature. Thence we
added a PL component to the fit, and the best parameters are
keV and
73 d.o.f.).
In this case substituting the OTTB with a BB gives a only slightly worse fit
=1.424, 73 d.o.f.)
with kT=
keV and
In the case of interval C we obtain a satisfactory OTTB fit
with kT= keV (reduced
1.06 with 71 d.o.f.).
Fig. 5.21 shows the energy spectra and best fit models for the time intervals A, B and C. For A and B we reported the OTTB+PL fit and for C the OTTB.