Next: List of Publications
Up: Lorenzo Amati's Curriculum Vitae
Previous: Education
- February 2025
Cosmology on the steep rise
Sesto Pusteria, Italy
(oral presentation)
- February 2025
18th National conference on Astronomy and Astrophysics of Iran
Shiraz (remote), Iran
(invited oral presentation)
- December 2024
A Workshop honoring the contribution of Enrico Costa to science
Roma, Italy
(invited oral presentation)
- December 2024
A Workshop on GRBs and central engine powered transients
Playa del Carmen, Mexico
(invited oral presentation)
- October 2024
INTEGRAL Workshop 2024
Madrid, Spain
(invited oral presentation)
- October 2024
High Energy Astrophysics and Cosmology in the era of all-sky surveys (HEACOSS 2024)
Yerevan (remote), Armenia
(invited oral presentation)
- October 2024
Unveiling the Universe with SHARP
Milano, Italy
(oral presentation)
- September 2024
VII Gran Sasso International Forum
Teramo, Italy
(invited oral presentation)
- September 2024
Gravitational waves, ElectroMagnetic and dark MAtter physics (GEMMA2)
Roma, Italy
(oral presentation)
- July 2024
Seventeenth Marcel Grossmann Meeting (MG17)
Padova, Italy
(invited plenary oral presentation)
- July 2024
European Astronomical Society Annual Meeting (EAS 2024)
Padova, Italy
(oral presentation)
- June 2024
LXV Congresso nazionale della Società Astronomica Italiana
Napoli, Italy
(oral presentation)
- May 2024
The 3rd Nanjing GRB Conference
Suzhou, China
(invited oral presentation)
- May 2024
XIV Einstein Telescope Symposium
Maastricht, The Netherlands
(oral presentation)
- February 2024
Nevada Center For Astrophysics Symposium 2024
Las Vegas (Nevada), USA
(invited oral presentation)
- February 2024
Universum V
Roma, Italy
(oral presentation)
- February 2024
Looking AHEAD to soft gamma-ray Astrophysics: prospects and challenges
Ferrara, Italy
(invited oral presentation)
- January 2024
Unveiling the Dynamic and Energetic Universe with Insight-HXMT for Six Years and Beyond
Zhuhai (virtual), China
(oral presentation)
- December 2023
Einstein Telescope @ Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica
Roma, Italy
(oral presentation)
- November 2023
The Fourth National Workshop on the SKA Project
Catania, Italy
(oral presentation)
- October 2023
IV Gravi-Gamma-Nu Workshop
L'Aquila (AQ), Italy
(invited oral presentation)
- September 2023
7th INPE Astrophysics Advanced School - "Multi-Messenger Astrophysics"
San Jose dos Campos (virtual), Brazil
(invited lecturer)
- August 2023
International Cosmic Rays Conference (ICRC) 2023
Nagoya (virtual), Japan
(oral presentation)
- July 2023
European Astronomical Society Annual meeting - EAS 2023
Cracow, Poland
(oral presentation)
- July 2023
10th GRavitation and AstroParticle Physcs in Amsterdam (GRAPPA) Conference
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
(oral presentation)
- June 2023
18th Italian-Korean Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics
Pescara (virtual), Italy
(oral presentation)
- June 2023
The Fifth Zeldovich Meeting
Yerevan (virtual), Armenia
(invited oral presentation)
- June 2023
The X-Ray Universe 2023
Athens, Greece
(oral presentation)
- June 2023
Multifrequency Behaviour of High Energy Cosmic Sources - XIV
Palermo (Mondello), Italy
(invited oral presentation)
- May 2023
LXVII National Congress of the Italian Astronomical Society (SAIt)
Camerino, Italy
(oral presentation)
- April 2023
IberiCos 2023
17th Iberian Cosmology Meeting
Ponte de Lima, Portugal
(oral presentation)
- March 2023
MAGIC23 - Matter,
Astrophysics, Gravitation,
Ions and Cosmology
Praia do Rosa (virtual), Brazil
(oral presentation)
- February 2023
Universum IV
Trento, Italy
(oral presentation)
- January 2023
High redshift Gamma-Ray-Bursts in the JWST era
Sexten, Italy
(two oral presentations)
- December 2022
13th International Workshop on Astronomical X-Ray Optics (AXRO 2022)
Prague, Czech Repubblic
(two oral presentations)
- November 2022
Third Athena Scientific Conference 2022: Exploring the Hot and Energetic Universe
Barcelona, Spain
(oral presentation)
- November 2022
INTEGRAL 20 Years -
Two Decades of High-Energy
Astronomy with INTEGRAL
Darmstadt, Germany
(oral presentation)
- September 2022
International conference PUMA22 - Probing the Universe with Multimessenger Astrophysics
Sestri Levante, Italy
(oral presentation)
- September 2022
31st Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics
Prague (Czech Republic)
(oral presentation)
- September 2022
V Congresso Nazionale GRB
Trieste, Italy
(invited oral presentation)
- August 2022
XI International Conference on New Frontiers in Physics (ICNFP 2022)
Crete (remote), Greece
(oral presentation)
- July 2022
The 6th Bego Rencontre Summer School
Pescara, Italy
(invited oral presentation)
- July 2022
7th Heidelberg International Symposium on High-Energy Gamma-Ray Astronomy
Barcelona, Spain
(oral presentation)
- June 2022
EAS 2022 - European Astronomical Society Annual Meeting
Valencia, Spain
(invited oral presentation)
- June 2022
OAS Very High-Energy Meeting: towards ASTRI and CTA
Bologna, Italy
(oral presentation)
- May 2022
33rd Rencontres de blois - Exploring the dark Universe
Blois, France
(oral presentation)
- May 2022
Third European Physical Society Conference on Gravitation
Nice, France
(oral presentation)
- May 2022
Prof. Remo Ruffini Festschrift. A conference in celebration of Prof. Remo Ruffini 80th birthday
Nice, France
(invited oral presentation)
- April 2022
ASI Workshop on "Themes and objectives for future scientific space programmes
Roma (virtual), Italy
(oral presentation)
- March 2022
56th Rencontres de Moriond 2022 - Very High Energy Phenomena in the Universe
La Thuile (AO), Italy
(oral presentation)
- December 2021
Amati Fest at ICRANet
Pescara, Italy
(invited oral presentation)
- December 2021
Neutron Star Astrophysics at the Crossroads:
Magnetars and the Multimessenger Revolution
Urbino (virtual), Italy
(oral presentation)
- November 2021
The Paris-Saclay AstroParticle Symposium 2021
Paris-Saclay, France
(invited oral presentation)
- November 2021
ICRANet-ISFAHAN Astronomy Meeting
Isfahan (virtual), Iran
(invited oral presentation)
- October 2021
INTEGRAL: towards the third decade of X and Gamma ray observations
Cagliari, Italy
(oral presentation)
- August 2021
10th International Conference on New Frontiers in Physics (ICNFP 2021)
Crete (virtual), Greece
(oral presentation)
- July 2021
Sixteenth Marcel Grossmann Meeting - MG16
Rome (virtual), Italy
(invited oral presentations)
- June 2021
European Astronomical Society Annual Meeting (EAS 2021)
Leiden (virtual), The Netherlands
(solicited oral presentation)
- June 2021
Second Gravi-Gamma Workshop
Volterra (virtual), Italy
(invited oral presentation)
- April 2021
Ninth International Fermi Symposium
Johannesburg (virtual), South Africa
(oral presentation)
- March 2021
THESEUS Conference 2021
Geneva (virtual), Switzerland
(invited oral presentation)
- January 2021
43rd COSPAR Scientific Assembly
Sidney (virtual), Australia
(oral presentation)
- December 2020
SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation 2020
San Diego (virtual), USA
(oral presentation)
- December 2020
Exploring the transient Universe into the 2030s
London (virtual), UK
(invited oral presentation)
- November 2020
HERMES-SP/TB 1st Workshop: Astrophysics with Cubesat
Trieste (virtual), Italy
(invited oral presentation)
- October 2020
Coimbra AHEAD2020 Progress Meeting on Space Experiments for HE Astrophysics & Multi-messenger Astronomy
Coimbra (virtual), Portugal
(invited oral presentation)
- September 2020
The Fourth Zeldovich virtual meeting
Minsk (virtual), Belarus
(oral presentation)
- September 2020
9th International Conference on New Frontiers in Physics (ICNFP 2020)
Crete (virtual), Greece
(invited oral presentation)
- July 2020
Technological Advances in X-ray Astronomy: strategizing the path forward
Bologna (virtual), Italy
(invited oral presentation)
- February 2020
UK & Italy Explore New Frontiers in Gamma-ray Astrophysics
Roma, Italy
(invited oral presentation)
- December 2019
30th Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics
Portsmouth, UK
(oral presentation)
- November 2019
1st International Conference on Applied Physics - ICAP 2019
Tirana, Albania
(invited oral presentation)
- October 2019
The era of collaborative multi-wavelength and multi-messenger astronomy: science and technology - The 2nd Pietro
Baracchi Conference
Firenze, Italy
(oral presentation)
- September 2019
The extragalactic explosive Universe: the new era of transient surveys and data-driven discovery
Munich, Germany
(oral presentation)
- September 2019
Ioffe Workshop on GRBs and other transient sources: 25 Years of Konus-Wind Experiment
Saint Petersburg, Russia
(invited oral presentation)
- July 2019
High Energy Phenomena in Relativistic Outflows VII (HEPRO VII)
Barcelona, Spain
(invited oral presentation)
- July 2019
22nd International Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation
Valencia, Spain
(oral presentation)
- June 2019
European Week of Astronomy and Space Science - EWASS 2019
Lyon, France
(invited oral presentation)
- May 2019
Gamma-Ray Bursts and Related Astrophysics in Multi-Messenger Era
Nanjing, China
(invited oral presentation)
- April 2019
10th Einstein Telescope Symposium
Orosei (NU), Italy
(oral presentation)
- February 2019
12th INTEGRAL Conference and 1st AHEAD Gamma-Ray Workshop
Geneva, Switzerland
(solicited oral presentation)
- February 2019
Cosmic Beacons
Sexten, Italy
(oral presentation)
- December 2018
First Italian SOXS workshop
Pavia, Italy
(oral presentation)
- December 2018
The II National Workshop of SKA science and technology
Bologna, Italy
(oral presentation)
- October 2018
The multi-messenger astronomy:
gamma-ray bursts, search for electromagnetic counterparts to neutrino events and gravitational waves
Nizhnij Arkhyz and Terskol, Russia
(oral presentation)
- September 2018
Exploring the Hot and Energetic Universe:
The second scientific conference dedicated to the Athena X-ray observatory
Palermo, Italy
(invited oral presentation)
- September 2018
SIGRAV 2018 - Black holes: Theory and Observations
Cagliari, Italy
(invited oral presentation)
- July 2018
Fifteenth Marcel Grossmann Meeting - MG15
Roma, Italy
(invited plenary oral presentation)
- June 2018
XMM-Newton 2018 Science Workshop - Time-Domain Astronomy: A High Energy View
Madrid, Spain
(oral presentation)
- May 2018
Mondello Workshop 2018 "Frontier Research in Astrophysics - III"
Palermo, Italy
(invited oral presentation)
- May 2018
AGILE 16th Science Workshop
"Fast and AGILE: Multimessenger Astrophysics and Beyond"
Roma, Italy
(invited oral presentation)
- May 2018
LXII Congress of the Italian Astronomical Society (SAIt)
Teramo, Italy
(oral presentation)
- April 2018
UniVersum 2018
Bologna, Italy
(oral presentation)
- April 2018
European Week of Astronomy and Space Science - EWASS 2018
Liverpool, UK
(two oral presentations)
- March 2018
PAFT 2018 - Current Problems in Theoretical Physics
Salerno, Italy
(oral presentation)
- March 2018
Life on Earth and beyond: emergence, survivability, and impact on the environment
Bertinoro (FC), Italy
(oral presentation)
- March 2018
GRAvitational-wave Science&technology Symposium (GRASS 2018)
Padova, Italy
(oral presentation)
- January 2018
Clues on GRB origin from chemical evolution models
Sesto (BZ), Italy
(oral presentation)
- December 2017
X Congresso Nazionale Oggetti Compatti
Padova, Italy
(solicited oral presentation)
- December 2017
10th International Workshop on Astronomical X.Ray Optics (AXRO 2017)
Prague, Czech Republic
(oral presentation)
- November 2017
GW170817 - Italian contributions to the dawn of the multi-messenger astronomy
L'Aquila, Italy
(oral presentation)
- October 2017
INTEGRAL Symposium 2017
Venice, Italy
(oral presentation)
- October 2017
THESEUS Workshop 2017
Napoli, Italy
(Chair of the SOC and review presentation)
- September 2017
NewCompStar School 2017 - "Neutron stars: theory, observations and gravitational waves emission"
Sofia, Bulgary
(invited lecturer)
- June 2017
European Week of Astronomy and Space Science (EWASS 2017)
Prague, Czech Repubblic
(two oral presentations)
- June 2017
Multifrequency Behaviour of High Energy Cosmic Sources - XII
Palermo, Italy
(invited oral presentation)
- June 2017
The X-ray Universe 2017
Roma, Italy
(oral presentation)
- May 2017
15th AGILE Workshop "AGILE is 10"
Roma, Italy
(invited oral presentation)
- February 2017
High Throughput X-ray Astronomy in the eXTP Era
Roma, Italy
(solicited oral presentation)
- February 2017
Bright & Dark Universe
Napoli, Italy
(oral presentation)
- December 2016
9th International Workshop on Astronomical X-Ray Optics (AXRO 2016)
Prague, Czech Republic
(invited oral presentation)
- November 2016
EXtrAS (Exploring the X-ray Transient and variable Sky) Workshop
Pavia, Italy
(oral presentation)
- November 2016
IV Italian National Workshop on GRBs
Bergamo, Italy
(invited session chair/rapporteur and oral presentation)
- October 2016
11th Workshop on Science with the New generation
of High Energy Gamma-ray Experiments (SCINEGHE16)
Pisa, Italy
(oral presentation)
- September 2016
SIGRAV 2016 XXII Conference - A Century of General Relativity
Cefalù, Italy
(invited oral presentation)
- September 2016
Astrophysical Probes of Fundamental Physics
Ferrara, Italy
- July 2016
Signals from the Deep Past - Unveiling Early Cosmic Structures
Valletta, Malta
(oral presentation)
- July 2016
European Week of Astronomy and Space Science (EWASS 2016)
Athenis, Greece
(oral presentation)
- June 2016
SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation
Edinburgh, UK
(oral presentation)
- December 2015
28th Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics
Geneve, Switzerland
(two oral presentations)
- December 2015
Lagrange Institute Conference "Cosmology and First Light"
Paris, France
(oral presentation)
- November 2015
International Conference "Albert Einstein and General Theory of Relativity"
Tirana, Albania
(invited oral presentation)
- September 2015
IX Italian National Workshop on Compact Objects (CNOC IX)
Monte Porzio Catone - Rome, Italy
(oral presentation)
- September 2015
Astrophysical Probes of Fundamental Physics
Ferrara, Italy
- July 2015
Fourteenth Marcel Grossmann Meeting - MG14
Roma, Italy
(invited oral presentation)
- April 2015
ISSI-BJ Workshop on Gamma-Ray Bursts: a tool to explore the
young Universe
Beijing, China
(invited oral presentation)
- December 2014
7th International Workshop on Astronomical X-Ray Optics (AXRO 2014)
Prague, Czech Repubblic
(invited oral presentation)
- December 2014
Swift: 10 Years of Discoveries
Rome, Italy
(solicited oral presentation)
- September 2014
Ioffe Workshop on GRBs and other transient sources:
20 Years of Konus-Wind Experiment
Saint Petersburg, Russia
(invited oral presentation)
- September 2014
Third Bego Rencontres -
IRAP Ph.D. Erasmus Mundus school
Nice, France
- July 2014
The first billion years of galaxies and black holes
Sesto (Sexten) (BZ), Italy
(invited oral presentation)
- June 2014
The Unquiet Universe
Cefalu' (PA), Italy
(solicited oral presentation)
- May 2014
LVIII Congress of the Italian Astronomical Society (SAIt)
Milano, Italy
(invited oral presentation)
- April 2014
Bologna High Energy Meeting (BOHEME) 2014
Bologna, Italy
(oral presentation)
- October 2013
Photons, Neutrinos and Gravitational Waves: a multi-messenger search of
high energy astrophysical sources
Acco, Israel
(invited oral presentation)
- October 2013
Second Annual Moscow GRB Conference: Gamma-Ray Bursts New Missions To New Science
Moscow, Russia
(invited oral presentation)
- September 2013
VIII Italian National Workshop on Compact Objects (CNOC VIII)
Ferrara, Italy
(oral presentation)
- July 2013
European Week of Astronomy and Space Science (EWASS) 2013
Turku, Finland
(two oral presentations)
- June 2013
First LOFT UK Meeting
London, UK
(invited oral presentation)
- May 2013
Frascati Workshop 2013 - Multiwavelegth behaviour of High-Energy Astrophysical Sources
Palermo, Italy
(invited oral presentation)
- May 2013
Second Bego Scientific Rencontres Meeting
Nice, France
(two oral presentations as lecturer)
- April 2013
Huntsville Gamma Ray Burst Symposium - GRB 2013
Nashville TN, USA
(short oral / poster presentation and member of the
Scientific Organizing Committee)
- January 2013
Scientific perspectives in the MeV domain
Paris, France
(oral presentation)
- October 2012
XX SIGRAV Conference
Napoli, Italy
(invited oral presentation and member of the
Scientific Organizing Committee)
- September 2012
Second LOFT Science Meeting
Toulouse, France
(oral presentation)
- September 2012
Third Italian National Workshop on GRBs - "Lampi su Napoli"
Napoli, Italy
(oral presentation)
- July 2012
13th Marcel Grossmann Meeting - MG13
Stockholm, Sweden
(solicited oral presentation)
- June 2012
9th Workshop on Science with the New Generation of High Energy Gamma-ray Experiments
Lecce, Italy
(invited oral presentation)
- June 2012
First National Meeting on Science and Technology with SKA - The Italian pathway to SKA
Rome, Italy
(invited oral presentation)
- May 2012
Gamma-Ray Bursts 2012 Conference
Munich, Germany
(oral presentation)
- March 2012
Death of Massive Stars: Supernovae & Gamma-Ray Bursts
Nikko, Japan
(oral presentation)
- November 2011
Swift and the surprising sky - The first 7 years of Swift
Milano, Italy
(oral presentation)
- October 2011
LOFT Science Meeting
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
(oral presentation)
- October 2011
Third Galileo - Xu Guangqi meeting
Beijing, China
(invited oral presentation)
- October 2011
IRAP Ph.D. Erasmus Mundus Workshop
Les Houches, France
(invited lecturer)
- September 2011
Second Ferrara Workshop on
X-ray Astrophysics up to 511 keV
Ferrara, Italy
(oral presentation)
- July 2011
Chemical Evolution of GRB Host Galaxies
Sexten - Sesto Pusteria (BZ), Italy
(oral presentation)
- July 2011
12th Italian-Korean Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics
Pescara, Italy
(oral presentation)
- May 2011
Frascati Workshop 2011: Multifrequency Behaviour of High Energy Cosmic Sources
Vulcano (ME), Italy
(invited oral presentation)
- May 2011
GRBs as probes
Como, Italy
(oral presentation)
- November 2010
Gamma Ray Bursts 2010 Conference
Annapolis MD, USA
(oral presentation)
- September 2010
8th Workshop on Science with the New Generation of High Energy Gamma-ray Experiments
Trieste, Italy
(oral presentation)
- July 2010
The second Galileo - Xu Guangqi meeting
Ventimiglia, Italy
(oral presentation)
- May 2010
Vulcano Workshop 2010 -
Frontier Objects in Astrophysics and Particle Physics
Vulcano, Italy
(invited oral presentation)
- May 2010
54th Meeting of the Italian Astronomical Society (SAIT)
Napoli, Italy
(oral presentation)
- April 2010
8th AGILE Mini-Workshop - The Third Birthday
Bologna, Italy
(oral presentation)
- September 2009
The Shocking Universe
Venice, Italy
(Solicited oral presentation)
- July 2009
Twelfth Marcel Grossmann Meeting
Paris, France
(Invited oral presentation)
- June 2009
6th Italian-Sino Workshop on Relativistic Astrophysics
Pescara, Italy
(oral presentation)
- May 2009
Frascati Workshop 2009: Multifrequency Behaviour of
High Energy Cosmic Sources
Vulcano (ME), Italy
(Invited oral presentation)
- May 2009
53rd Meeting of the Italian Astronomical Society (SAIT)
Pisa, Italy
(oral presentation)
- February 2009
44th Rencontres de Moriond - Very High Energy Phenomena in the Universe
La Thuile, Italy
(invited oral presentation)
- October 2008
Third Biennial Leopoldina Conference on Dark Energy
Muenchen, Germany
(poster presentation)
- September 2008
Workshop: "Probing Stellar Populations
out to the Distant Universe"
Cefalu' (PA), Italy
(oral presentation)
- July 2008
Third Stuckelberg Workshop
Pescara, Italy
(oral presentation)
- July 2008
Workshop "Dark Energy and Dark Matter"
Lyon, France
(oral presentation)
- May 2008
Vulcano Workshop 2008: Frontier Objects in Astrophysics and Particle Physics
Vulcano (ME), Italy
(invited oral presentation)
- May 2008
52th Meeting of the Italian Astronomical Society (SAIT)
Teramo, Italy
(oral presentation)
- March 2008
Workshop "43rd Rencontres de Moriond - Cosmology"
La Thuile, Italy
(oral presentation)
- October 2007
Workshop "Five years of INTEGRAL"
Cagliari, Italy
(oral presentation)
- September 2007
National School of Astrophysics - Cycle IX, Course II
Venice, Italy
(two lectures)
- August 2007
Workshop "A century of cosmology: past, present and future"
Venice, Italy
(poster presentation)
- July 2007
4th Italian-Sino Workshop: astrophysics at z > 6
Pescara, Italy
(oral presentation)
- July 2007
Workshop "Astrofisica Gamma dallo spazio in Italia: AGILE e GLAST"
Roma, Italy
- June 2007
10th Italian-Korean Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics
Pescara, Italy
(oral presentation)
- June 2007
VIth Marseille International Cosmology Conference: "Energetic events in the universe: from physics to
Marseille, France
(invited oral presentation)
- May 2007
Workshop "Simbol-X: the hard X-ray universe in focus"
Bologna, Italy
(oral presentation)
- March 2007
Workshop "070228: the next decade of Gamma-Ray Burst afterglow"
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
(oral presentation)
- December 2006
EDGE General Meeting
Roma, Italy
(oral presentation)
- November 2006
Meeting of the Italian Swift collaboration
Merate, Italy
(oral presentation)
- July 2006
Eleventh Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity
Berlin, Germany
(two oral presentation)
- June 2006
4th Workshop on: Science with the New Generation of High Energy Gamma-ray
Portoferraio, Isola d'Elba, Italy
(invited oral presentation)
- June 2006
SWIFT and GRBs: Unveiling the Relativistic Universe
Venice, italy
(solicited oral presentation)
- November 2005
Relativistic Astrophysics and Cosmology: the Einstein's Legacy
Munich, Germany
(oral presentation)
- September 2005 International School of Space Science 2005:
Gamma-Ray Bursts: from Astrophysics to Cosmology
L'Aquila, Italy
(invited lecture)
- May 2005 Frascati Workshop 2005 Multifrequency Behavior of High Energy Cosmic Sources
Vulcano, Italy
(invited oral presentation)
- February 2005 5th AGILE Science Workshop The Galactic Center and other Cosmic Accelerators
Roma, Italy
- October 2004 Fourth Workshop Gamma-Ray Bursts in the Afterglow Era
Roma, Italy
(solicited oral presentation)
- July 2004 35th COSPAR Scientific Assembly
Paris, France
(poster presentation)
- June 2004 Second Workshop on Science with the new generation
of high energy Gamma-ray experiments
Bari, Italy
(oral presentation)
- April 2004 XLVIII Congresso della Società Astronomica Italiana SAIT 2004
Milano, Italy
(invited oral presentation)
- December 2003 Third National Workshop on Compact Object Astrophysics (CNOC)
Monte Porzio Carone (RM), Italy
(oral presentation)
- August 2003 JENAM Conference 2003 - Minisymposium Physics of Gamma-Ray Bursts
Budapest, Hungary
(invited oral presentation)
- June 2003 4th AGILE Science Workshop X-ray and Gamma-ray astrophysics of galactic sources
Frascati (RM), Italy
- May - June 2003 Frascati Workshop 2003 Multifrequency Behavior of High Energy Cosmic Sources
Vulcano, Italy
(invited oral presentation)
- May 2003 International Workshop The Restless High Energy Universe
Amsterdam, NL
(poster presentation)
- September 2002 Third Symposium Gamma-Ray Bursts in the Afterglow Era
(oral presentation and member of the Local Organizing Committee)
- July 2002 International Workshop Science with Lobster
Leicester, U.K.
- July 2002 International Advanced School "Leonardo da Vinci" -
Summer Course 2002: Mission concept and payload design
in X- and Gamma-ray Astronomy
Bologna, Italy
(Member of the School Organizing Committee)
- December 2001 First National Workshop on Gamma-Ray Bursts
Monte Porzio Catone, Italy
(oral presentation)
- September 2001 Second National Workshop on Compact Object Astrophysics (CNOC)
Bologna, Italy
(oral presentation and member of the Local Organizing Committee)
- May 2001 Frascati Workshop 2001 Multifrequency Behavior of High Energy Cosmic Sources
Vulcano, Italy
(oral presentation)
- May 2001XLV Congresso della Società Astronomica Italiana SAIT 2001
(oral presentation)
- March 2001 Second workshop Science with AGILE
- October 2000 Secondo Symposium Gamma-Ray Bursts in the Afterglow Era
(oral presentation)
- May 2000 IX Convegno del Gruppo Nazionale di Fisica Cosmica
(oral presentation)
- September 1999 LXXXV Congresso Nazionale della Societá
Italiana di Fisica
(oral presentation)
- September 1999 Symposium X-ray Astronomy '999
(poster presentation)
- May 1999 Congresso Nazionale Oggetti Compatti (CNOC)
(oral presentation)
- November 1998 Symposium Gamma-Ray Bursts in the Afterglow Era
(poster presentation and member of the Local Organizing Committee)
- September - October 1998 LXXXIV Congresso Nazionale della Societá Italiana di Fisica
(oral presentation)
- October 1997 Symposium The Active X-Ray Sky, Accademia dei Lincei
(poster presentation)
- July - August 1997 42simo SPIE's International Symposium on
Optical Science, Engineering, and Instrumentation
San Diego, California, USA
(oral presentation)
- April 1997 VII Symposium Nazionale del Gruppo Italiano di Fisica
Villa Olmo (CO)
(poster presentation)
- May 1996 Oggetti collassati ed evoluzione stellare,
Scuola Nazionale di Astrofisica 1995/96
Giulianova (TE)
Lorenzo Amati
June 24, 2024